Caixa Economica Federal

Caixa Economica Federal Bank logoCaixa Economica Federal (CEF), also known as Caixa Economica is a financial institution, in the form of public enterprise of Brazilian federal government with its own assets.

Caixa Economica Federal, 2.1 out of 5 based on 57 ratings

The bank is based in Brasilia (DF) and has branches throughout the country, operating as an agency under the Ministry of Finance of Brazil.

Business data

  • Revenue (2012): US$ 20.0 billion
  • Net income (2012): US$ 2.9 billion
  • Total assets (2013): US$ 360.9 billion
  • Employees: 81,500

Caixa Econômica head office address

SBS, Quadra 4, Lotes 3/4, 16º andar
Brasilia, Distrito Federal

Bank contacts:

  • Phone number: 55-61-32069840
  • Fax: 55-61-32069732

Useful phone numbers:

  • Technical Support: 0800 726 0104
  • Payroll Cards:
    4001 4488 (cities and metropolitan regions)
    0800 728 4488 (other locations)
  • National cards:
    4001 4425 (cities and metropolitan regions)
    0800 728 4425 (other locations)
  • International and Gold Cards:
    4001 4455 (cities and metropolitan regions)
    0800 728 4455 (other locations)
  • Platinum cards, MasterCard and Visa Infinite Black: 0800 728 4465
  • Business Cards:
    4001 4472 (cities and metropolitan regions)
    0800 728 4472 (other locations).

Customers support when abroad: 55 11 3238 4455

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List of ATMs and Branches of Caixa Economica Federal:

Major Brazilian banks